MUNA Federal Credit Union
Security Tips
Protecting your information is one of our top priorities. The sections below provide important information and links to learn more about scams and fraud and what to do if you become a victim.
Always remember to never give out your personal information on the phone, through the mail, or over the Internet unless you've initiated the contact or know who you're dealing with. This includes phone requests asking you to verify account information or reactivate a service.
Fraudsters will try all kinds of tricks and scams to gain access to your financial and personal information. Learn more about the different types of scams and what to do if you've become a victim.
If you have been asked to send money or prepaid cards to someone you don’t know, go to the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) scam alert website to help you determine if the request is a scam. You can browse scams by topic, sign up for alerts, and get more information on the latest scams.
To learn more about Internet scams, check out the FBI’s Internet Crime website.
If you believe that you have been a victim of a scam:
First, call MUNA Federal Credit Union at 601-693-8563.
Then, report the scam on the FTC Complaint Assistant website.
Contact the credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your credit report.
or 855.681.3196
or 888.548.7878
or 888.397.3742
Order your free annual credit report. Visit or call 877.322.8228.
Use only this contact information to request your free annual credit report, as it has been set up by the three agencies for this purpose. There are other companies that claim to offer free credit reports, but they charge a fee for the mandatory enrollment into their program.
Check Fraud
There are many ways criminals use checks to access your money and account to commit fraud.
We may ask for information to verify your identity when doing business.
We provide you multiple ways to monitor your accounts such as account alerts in Online and Mobile Banking, telephone banking and an extended-hours call center.
We provide notification when fraud is suspected.
Never allow others access to your checks. Allowing others to sign checks for you could discredit future disputes.
Your checkbook should be in a safe place at all times. The most dangerous place to leave your checkbook is in your car.
Checks do not have to be physically stolen to lead to check fraud. If someone gets the information from your check there are multiple ways to commit fraud (e.g. check by phone, creating counterfeits). Anyone who sees your check has the ability to commit fraud.
If you've been a victim of check fraud:
Close any share that has been compromised immediately.
Make other arrangements for automatic debits and credits.
File a police report for stolen checks and unauthorized checks.
The credit union will then work with law enforcement for prosecution.
Credit & Debit Card Fraud
Card fraud is a wide-ranging term for theft and fraud committed using or involving a payment card, such as a credit card or debit card. The purpose is to obtain unauthorized access to an account.
24/7 Card Monitoring — our Fraud Alert Management System — monitors your card activity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to learn your behavior patterns. If card activity alerts us to possible fraud, we will contact you to verify the transaction.
Examples of transactions that alert us to possible fraud may include:
Sudden change in location
A string of costly purchases
Any new fraud trends worldwide
EMV Chip Technology — our debit and credit cards have EMV chips, which are much more difficult to replicate and counterfeit than a magnetic strip. When using your card at a chip-enabled terminal, the chip authenticates each transaction uniquely, which means any data captured cannot be used to execute new transactions.
As your financial partner, we understand the importance of security, and no one can keep a more watchful eye than you! Since you are your first line of defense, we have designed our tools with you in mind. In addition to all the channels you have to check and monitor your account in real-time, we have compiled a list of tips to help you in preventing card fraud.
Protect Your Debit Card PIN
Always memorize your PIN instead of writing it down and never share your PIN with anyone. Credit Union employees will never ask you for your PIN. Use the signature/credit option when it is available to minimize exposure of your PIN.
Only give out your card information when you are ready to make a purchase. Never share your card information with friends or family. It is recommended to change your PIN number a couple of times a year.
Note Your Card When Traveling
We constantly monitor card transactions for unusual activity to protect you against fraud. If you let us know your destination and when you are traveling, we will note your card to help prevent any delays while you are on the road.
Sign Instead of Using Your PIN
Opt for signature over PIN transactions with your debit card. Merchants prefer that you use your PIN because it’s less expensive for them. Using your PIN is riskier for you because it gives data thieves the option of creating a fake debit card.
Other Helpful Tips
Avoid letting a vendor go out of sight with your card when possible.
Beware of card skimmers on ATM's or gas pumps.
Utilize the channels available through the credit union to stay informed.
Be aware of your surroundings when out in public.
Routinely wipe and reset your cookies (temporary files on the browser).
Keep your contact information up to date with the credit union.
Research and verify companies asking for your card information.
Avoid giving cards to minors without supervision.
Check your mail regularly.
For a full list of current card scams please refer to the Federal Trade Commission’s website.
If you suspect your card has been compromised or you notice a transaction that was not yours, please file a dispute by calling the number on the back of your card immediately.
DEBIT CARD — 1-800-383-8000.
VISA CREDIT CARD — 1-888-999-2203
Click here for additional information on what steps to follow if your debit, credit, or ATM card has been lost or stolen.
Identity (ID) theft is a crime where a thief uses your personal information such as your full name or Social Security number, to commit fraud. Examples include fraudulently applying for credit, filing taxes, obtaining medical services, and more.
At MUNA FCU, the privacy and security of your accounts and personal data is always be a top priority. We promise to always do our part to keep your information safe and secure. We follow strict safeguards when mailing out cards and statements and verify your identity whenever you contact us. To learn more tips from the FTC about what you can do to prevent ID theft, click here.
There are many steps you can take to minimize the risk of being an identity theft victim. For example:
Closely guard your social security number.
Shred card receipts, copies of credit applications, and other sensitive documents.
Review your bills and credit reports regularly and look for signs that indicate your identity may have been stolen.
For the most recent information on how to protect yourself from Identity Theft, please see the FTC’s Identity Theft page.
The FTC has been the chief federal agency on privacy policy and enforcement since the 1970s. Since then, rapid changes in technology have raised new privacy challenges, but the FTC’s overall approach has been consistent: The agency uses law enforcement, policy initiatives, and consumer and business education to protect consumers’ personal information and ensure that they have the confidence to take advantage of the many benefits of the ever-changing marketplace. This information can be found by clicking here.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers a step-by-step guide for recovery from identity theft found here.
If you find yourself a victim of ID theft, be sure to contact the credit union and we'll help you take security precautions such as adding a code word to protect your account.